Wednesday, December 31, 2014

NCAA Football Dec 22

BYU and Memphis was an extremely crazy game. BYU was supposed to win, but they started off average. BYU got a turnover and scored. Even though BYU kept on scoring, Memphis pulled off a win. By half time, BYU was ahead of Memphis 28-24 but neither team was done scoring. In the 3rd quarter Memphis scored twice with two touchdowns. In the 4th quarter, BYU scored three times 2 touchdowns 1 field goal leading Memphis by a touchdown ( 45-38 ). With 45 seconds left, Memphis got the ball and scored to tie it and make it go to overtime. In the first overtime both teams kicked a field goal and went into 2 overtime. In second overtime, Memphis scored a touchdown and BYU got the ball back unable to score. When the teams went to gather around for the end of the game, Memphis started a full house brawl with BYU that lasted a long time. FINAL SCORE 55-48 Memphis wins!


Writers: Will Bouma & Noah Walker